We commit suicide 4x more than women, we have crazier diseases, we beat, rape, and kill (literally and metaphorically) because we have never been taught, nor had a true support system for, how to powerfully pave our path and step into CONSCIOUS manhood.
Dudes have not been showing up when it comes to the work.
Women meet up in sisterhood circles, they buy all the books, they take all the workshops, go to the retreats, and (as a whole) live longer...There is only reason for this and I would say it comes down to one word...PRIDE.
Men have been taught that we need to have all the “right” answers and have it all together and figured out.
So to ask for help, to seek support, would be to admit that we don’t have it together, that we’ve somehow “failed” as a man.
This is a self-made prison that we MUST be willing to free ourselves of immediately if we truly want to live.